Whatsapp Word Puzzle: Guess this Indian Name

Solve this, if u think…..u r brilliant.. A) I am a 6 letter word(name) B) 1,4  letter means yourself. C) 2,3 letters is a country name. D) 2,5 is also a country name. E) Remove first two letters means hair. F) 6, 2, 1 letters means “we” in hindi. 101% brain work. So were you able … Read more

Whatsapp Riddle: Guess the names of Indian States and Cities

You must have received this as a WhatsApp riddle in any of the groups that you are part of. Try to solve the puzzle without looking at the answers, she how many you can get right. Solve this! These are a few Indian states and cities…guess and name them 1. Unmarried Girl 2. Face 3. No Zip. … Read more

Whatsapp Riddle: Can You Decipher This Common Phrase

Use your logical skills to crack the code and solve this riddle. Can you decipher the following common phrase? T M C A U O H S M W T E So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct … Read more

Tough Number Puzzle: Find Missing Number

Tough puzzle, try and ans this: 9999=4 8888=8 1816=3 1212=0 1919=? Solve the puzzle. Hint: It’s more of a counting puzzle then a calculation puzzle. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. … Read more