Fun Riddle: Find the Missing Number in the Table

Leave your answers in the comments section. Look at the table and find out how the numbers are connected with each other. Once you crack the logic between the numbers can you find the missing number? 26 50 122 5 7 ? 15 13 9 20 20 20 Share it with your friends on WhatsApp … Read more

Fun Maths Riddle: If 3 | 2 = 7; Then 10 | 9 = ??

Look at the numbers in the table and find the missing number in the riddle. You will have to crack the logic and the relationshop between the number to find the missing number. 3 2 7 5 4 23 7 6 47 9 8 79 10 9 ?? If you get the answer, share the … Read more