Viral Riddles: Is The Cat Going Up or Down?

This riddle or optical illusion created a spark online. It is an image of a cat walking on the stairs. Half the people who see it think it’s going up while the other half feel that it’s going down. What do you think? Is the Cat going up or down the stairs? Share it when … Read more

WhatsApp Math Riddle: Find the Missing Number

Leave your answer to this riddle in the comments section. Look at the table and find the connection between the numbers and then find the missing number. 2 3 6 4 8 12 24 ? If you are able to solve the riddle and get the correct answer share it with your friends on WhatsApp … Read more

Find the Missing Number: If, 2 x 3 = 18 Then; 4 x 5 = ?

Look at the given equations and find the missing number. If, 2 x 3 = 18 3 x 4 = 72 Then; 4 x 5 = ? Share the riddle with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Solving, what comes next in the Sequence riddles are good to improve your logical reasoning skills. Solve them … Read more

Logical Riddle: In The Valley Of The Green Glass Door

Read the riddle and think and then answer this riddle. In the valley of the Green Glass Door; There is a pool but no water, apples but no grapes, school but no learning, trees but no branches, teeth but no mouths, Halloween but no candy and mirrors but no reflections. What is the logic behind … Read more