Fun Riddle: Why Did The Blondes Go Home Instead of Disneyland?

Weekends should be fun, so no serious riddles today. Two blondes were going to Disneyland and came to a fork in the road. One way said highway 93 right and the other said Disneyland left. Why did the blondes go home? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook … Read more

Math Riddle: Fill the Boxes: [] + [] + [] = 30

Here is a tough mathematical puzzle only for the genius. This question apparently appeared in UPSC Final Exams held in December 2013 and only 1 person was actually able to solve it. So the difficulty of this riddle is considered to be “Very Hard”. [] + [] + [] = 30 Fill the boxes using … Read more

Festive Offer Discount Riddle: Which Offer will to choose?

As the festive season sets in, you will see discounts all around. Every store whether offline or online wants to make the best of these season and get maximum sales. You, the consumer on the other hand should be good at selecting the best offer this Diwali. Here’s a riddle that will help you sharpen … Read more