For the guys good with numbers here something you can ponder about. Find the Next Number in the Series 2 = 5 3 = 10 4 = 17 5 = ?? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct … Read more
IIT Question: Find the Colour of the 9 Hats
The mystery of Hat Colour Nine IITians were sitting in a classroom. Their prof wanted to test them. One day he told all of his 9 students that he has 9 hats, colored either in red or black. He also added that he has at least one hat with red color and the no. of … Read more
Few Interesting Word Puzzles
Here are a Few Interesting Word Riddles which you can ask your friends on Whatsapp, BBM, We Chat, Lime or any other chat app. You can pass it on to WhatsApp groups and impress people with your wit. Probably you already got this from someone and landed here looking for the answer so the solutions are … Read more