Logical Riddle: How Do You Send A Valuable Parcel to Your Friend

You want to send a valuable package to your friend. You cannot go yourself to deliver the package and you can send it through a courier boy. Since the package is valuable you cannot trust it with anyone. The package has a locking ring which is large enough to have a locks attached to it and you … Read more

What Comes Next In The Sequence: 72, 76, 73, 77, 74, __, __

Look at the series of numbers in the riddle and guess the next 2 numbers in the series. What comes next in the sequence: 72, 76, 73, 77, 74, __, __ If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Word Riddle Games: You Use It Between Your Head And Your Toes

Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. You use it between your head and your toes, the more it works the thinner it grows. What is it? If you guess the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Logical Riddle: How Many Unique Handshakes in a Group of 7 People

Leave your answers in the comment section. If seven people meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each of the others, how many handshakes will there have been? If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Sports Riddle: What Does This Mean For Usain’s Next Race?

Leave your answer in the comments section. Usain timed himself and found out that if he wore a white outfit he ran 20 miles in 80 minutes, but when he wore a dark outfit, he ran 20 miles in one hour and twenty minutes. What does this mean for his next race? If you figure … Read more