Guess the word from the given hints. I am not a bull but I have horns. I am not an ass but I have pack saddle. Wherever I go, I leave silver behind me. Who am I? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you … Read more
Word Riddle Games: Find The Words With 3 Consecutive Vowels
You can spend your some time to crack this Sunday fun word riddle game. Each answer is one word that has at least three consecutive vowels. The clue for each word is given below, and the number of letters of the word is indicated inside parentheses. Happy hunting! 1. sticky (5) 2. cleaned carpet (9) 3. … Read more
Word Riddle Games: People Can Find me in the Dark
Word riddle games help you to improve your vocabulary and presence of mind. Guess the word from the hints given below. People can find me in the dark In the Light they cannot find me. I guess because sometimes I am light, Sometimes I am dark and Sometimes I am both. Who Am I? So … Read more
Word Riddle Games: I am a Seven Letter Word
Word riddle games help you to improve your vocabulary and presence of mind. I am a 7 letter word. Most humans want me. But they hate the first 4 letters of my name. If you get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th letter you are sick. The 5th, 6th and 7th is something with a charge. … Read more
Word Riddle Games: Guess These 2 Phrases
Guess the words from the hints given in the picture. What do these Rebus in the Picture mean? 1) 111111111111 10:10 pm 2) NME NME NME NME I AM NME NME NME NME So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, … Read more
Murder Mystery Or Suicide?: A Man was Found Dead in His Study
Challenge your brain and solve this murder mystery. A man was found dead in his study. He was slumped over his desk and he had a gun in his hand. There was a cassette recorder on his desk. When the police entered the room and pressed the play button on the tape recorder they heard: … Read more
Find The Criminal’s Sister and Girlfriend From the Statements
Find out the culprit from their statements in this riddle. A man escapes from prison with the help of his girlfriend. The investigators suspect four girls of being the man’s girlfriend. Out of those four girls, one is his girlfriend who is lying. Two of the girls are completely innocent and are speaking the truth. One … Read more