Whatsapp Riddle: Count the Number of Squares

Here is a challenge for those good at Geometry. You have to count the number of squares in the following diagram. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the … Read more

Whatsapp Puzzles: Guess the New Movie Names From Emoticons and Smileys

Create puzzles and Riddles with Whatsapp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. Here\’s one more that\’s doing rounds now. This one is a real tough one. The difficulties are getting crazier with these emoji puzzles. For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding … Read more

Whatsapp City Riddle: Find This 10 Letter Indian City Name

Solve this Riddle I am a 10 letter Indian city. 4,5,6 letter is an educational degree. 10,6,9 is a part in the face. 1,2,4,5 is used in the hair. 5,6,7 is used in the cricket. Again 101% brain work? Reply … So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment … Read more

Whatsapp Puzzles: Guess the English Proverbs From Emoticons and Smileys

Create puzzles and Riddles with WhatsApp emoticons and smileys…and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles. Here’s one more that’s doing rounds now. This one is a real tough one. The difficulties are getting crazier with these emoji puzzles. For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding … Read more

Whatsapp Murder Mystery: The Case of Fake FIR

Got these riddle on WhatsApp today. The English in the riddle is a bit bad but it’s a nice intelligent question. So here’s how it goes. Test your brilliance… One murder happens in a village and a police inspector asked two constables to reach the spot n take the FIR… As it was night and … Read more