Think out of the box to answer this riddle. A man is pushing his car along the road when he comes to a hotel. He shouts, “I’m bankrupt!” Why? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.
The Hobbit: Riddles in the Dark Between Gollum and Bilbo
If you have seen the movie Hobbit, you must have enjoyed the part where Gollum and Bilbo throw riddles at each other. Here are some of the riddles. 1. Alive without breath, As cold as death; Never thirsty, ever drinking, All in mail never clinking. 2. Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters. … Read more
English Language Test: What is Unusual in This Paragraph?
How good are at English? Test it with this paragraph. There is something unusual about the paragraph below, can you find it? “This is an unusual paragraph. I’m curious as to just know how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think … Read more
Word Riddle Games: My First Part Is Often At The Front Door
Read the hints and guess the word. My first part is often at the front door; My second part is found in the cereal family; My third part is what most people want; As a whole I get people into united states; What am I? Share it – when you get the answer – on … Read more
Geometry Quiz: How Many Quadrilaterals Are There In This Figure?
Test your geometry skills with this quiz question. How many quadrilaterals are there in this figure? When you get the answer share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.
Picture Riddle: Are the figures perfect or distorted?
Leave your answers in the comment section. See the picture and answers the questions; Is the Circle perfect or distorted? Is the Square perfect or distorted? Share it with your friends and family on Facebook and WhatsApp.
Word Riddle Games: At The Sound Of Me, Men May Dream Or Stamp Their Feet
Read the hints in this word riddle and try to guess the word. At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh or sometimes weep. What am I? When you get the correct answer, share the riddle with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.