Share it when you find it. Identify what is wrong in the picture below. This kind of riddles help you develop your visual observation skills. (WhatsaApp question: Identify wtz wrong in the pik.a visual observation skills used during training by raw and cbi.) Answer: These were the mistakes that I could find, there could be … Read more
Challenge Your Brain: If 2 + 3 = 10, Then 9 + 5 = ??
Challenge your brain with this number riddle. Check the equations and find the logic behind it and then try to find what comes next in the sequence. If, 2 + 3 = 10 6 + 5 = 66 7 + 2 = 63 8 + 4 = 96 Then; 9 + 5 = ?? Leave the … Read more
Fun With Mathematics: If, A + 3 – 1 x 3 + 2 – 4 = 0 Then, A = ?
Time to test your mathematical skills. Solve this Math’s question and find the value of A. If, A + 3 – 1 x 3 + 2 – 4 = 0 Then, A = ? Can you solve this? 95 % fail to get the right answer within 2 minutes. Answer: A + 3 – 1 … Read more
Fun Picture Riddle: Which Animals Do You See in The Photo?
Share the smile with your friends when you discover it. Camouflage is a wonderful power given to animals by the nature. Sometimes it’s pretty hard to spot the animals with naked eyes. Here’s an amazing camouflage photo which will bring a smile on your face. Can you find the number of animals and name them? So … Read more
Find missing letter in the given riddle: IF BFMYEO=>K Then HQAJUC=>?
Go through the picture and find the missing number in the second star. Find missing letter in the given riddle IF BFMYEO=>K Then HQAJUC=>? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on … Read more
Fun Picture Riddle: How Many Animals Do You See in The Photo?
Have fun finding animals. Got this riddle on WhatsApp. Here’s a complicated image created in black and white. Can you find the number of animals the artists has put in this image? Some animals are really hidden well. so don’t blame yourself if you miss them. Answer: The answer is 16. Check the image below … Read more
What Comes Next In The Sequence: 6, 30, 870, 756030, ?
Look at the sequence below and guess the next number, What comes next in the sequence; 6, 30, 870, 756030, ? No need to actually calculate you can just leave the logic or formula to determine the next number. Answer: 571580604870 Explanation: 6 * 6 – 6 =>30 30 * 30 – 30 => … Read more