Find the Missing Number: If 746 = 729 Then 482 = ???

Find the connection between the numbers and then find the value of ???. If; 746 = 729 539 = 522 648 = 630 Then; 482 = ??? Share the riddle with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Answer: The logic behind the riddle is you subtract the number by the sum of its digits; So … Read more

Fun Maths Riddle: Place digits 1 to 9 in the Circles

Put on your thinking caps, take out a pen and paper and try to solve this riddle. Place the digits from 1 to 9 in each closed area so that the sum of the digits in each complete circle is the same. 1 has already been placed. Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and … Read more

Word Riddle Games: i Can Sizzle Like bacon

Read the hints and guess the word in the riddle. I can sizzle like bacon, I have plenty of backbone, But lack a good leg, I am made with an egg, I peel layers like onions, But still remain whole, I can be long like a flagpole, Yet fit in a hole. What am I? … Read more

Rebus: Guess the words: C HIJKLMNO

Leave your answers for this riddle in the comments section. Rebus Riddle is a kind of riddle where letters or symbold are used to represent a word or a phrase. For example; aaababababababaabababaabbb would represent the phrase; “Long time no see” A similar one is given below, how long does it take you to crack … Read more

What comes Next in the Sequence: 6, 7, 8: ??, ??

Look at the given set of numbers and find the connection between them. Once you have found the logic you will be able to find the missing numbers too. What comes next in the given sequence; 2, 3, 4: 15, 12 3, 4, 5: 28, 20 4, 5, 6: 45, 30 5, 6, 7: 66, … Read more