Got this riddle on WhatsApp today, found it interesting so sharing it here. Read the riddle and then put your detective hats on to crack this murder mystery. A known chemical engineer professor was found murdered at his home this morning. The detectives investigated and narrowed it down to six suspects. The names of the … Read more
Picture Riddle: Can You Find the Snow Leopard Hidden in this Photo?
Test your observation skills with this picture riddle. In the given photo you will see snow and some rocks, but can you also see anything apart from that? Can you see a snow leopard hidden somewhere in the given photo? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the … Read more
Picture Riddle: Guess the 40 Indian Memorable ads in this one Picture
This image was shared with me on WhatsApp, found it interesting so sharing here. In the picture there are 40 different memorable Indian advertisements from various decades. Look at the picture and see how many of the ads are you able to guess So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in … Read more
WhatsApp Riddle: Can You Name All 12 Cricketers Shown Here
A challenge for all cricket fans. Got this picture riddle on WhatsApp and all my WhatsApp groups enjoyed this riddle. The picture shows cricket bowler’s bowling poses. Can you name all the cricketers shown in the picture below? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You … Read more
WhatsApp Riddle: What is the length of AB
This image was shared with me on WhatsApp, found it interesting so sharing here. In the picture you will see three circles inside a rectangle. The diameter of all the 3 circles are given, based on which you are supposed to find the length of AB. Find the length of AB in the given picture. … Read more
Picture Riddle: Guess This Hindi Phrase Shown in The image
Sharing a hindi Riddle or Paheli after a long time, just for change. Look at the images in the picture riddle below and guess the popular phrase. Should be very easy for Hindi speaking people. The picture shows a gun, leaf, key, hands and a car. Can you connect them? Were you able to solve the … Read more
Numerical Riddle: Find the Missing Number in the Given Circle
Test your numerical skills with this numerical riddle Look at the numbers given in the picture and find the missing number. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the … Read more