Murder Mystery: How Did Mark Survive

In a party, two friends Mark and Steve ordered single malt whiskey on the rocks. Mark drank five of those while Steve was able to drink only one in the same time. Steve died as soon as he finished his glass and Mark was feeling completely normal. It was found that both the drinks were … Read more

Count the Number of Animals in the Given Picture

Some artists love creating amazing optical illusions and some make it even more interesting by adding animals and objects that are hidden in the picture. Here is a similar image created to deceive you. Carefully look at the image below and try to count the number of animals in the picture below; You can spot a … Read more

Use the Letter A in Spelling a Number

Have you noticed what letters you use to spell out all the numbers? If you have this one would be an easy riddle for you. If not, think about it and enjoy solving this riddle. How high do you need to count before you use the letter A? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave … Read more

Find The Missing Letter in the Picture

Sharpen your brains by solving riddles and puzzles everyday. See the picture below and try to find the pattern in the numbers and the letters and then find the value of the missing letter. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your … Read more

I have a ring, But no fingers, Who Am I?

Read the hints below and guess the word. I have a ring, But I have no fingers, Who Am I? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the right … Read more

Brain-Bats: Guess These Words From the Given Hints

Brainbats or Rebus are a kind of brain teaser where a combination of letter or word represent a word. You have to guess the meaning of the rebus by looking at the combination. They are fun and witty to solve. So I hope you enjoy solving them. Do share it with your friends on WhatsApp or Social … Read more