Look at the picture given in the riddle carefully and answer the question in the comments section below. Guess where this place is? So were you able to guess it? DO you think you got the right answer? Do you own it? Hint of some sort – If you get it and know what is … Read more
Brainteaser: When The Trains Meet, Which one Is Closer To Knox?
Read the riddle carefully and leave your answers in the comment section below. A train leaves from a city called Knox heading towards Bronx at 120 km/h. Three hours later, a train leaves Bronx heading towards Knox at 180 km/h. Assuming there’s exactly 5000 kilometers between Bronx and Knox, when they meet, which train is … Read more
Brainteaser: How Did I Survive the Lift Crash?
A lift is on the ground floor & there are 4 people in the lift including me. When the lift reaches 1st floor, 1 person gets out and 3 people get in. The lift goes up to the 2nd floor, 2 people get out 6 people get in. It then goes up to the next … Read more
Rebus Puzzle: What Do these Hints Mean?
Rebus are the kind of puzzles where you have to guess the words or phrases from the given set of pictures or hints. Given below are 4 hints from which you have to guess the words or phrases. 1. Lem Ade 2. TROUBLE 3. T U R N I T 4. N A E L … Read more
WhatsApp Riddle: Guess Names of Bollywood Movies From the Given Picture
Love Bollywood? Solve this small picture riddle to show it. In the picture you will see 9 popular outfits that have been used in Bollywood movies. Look at the outfits and guess the name of the bollywood movie in which it is seen. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends … Read more
Picture Riddle: Count the Number of Blocks in the Given Figure
Look at the given picture and answer the riddle. This picture riddle will help you increase your observation skills. Count the Number of Blocks in the Given Figure; If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites. The more you solve these kind of riddles … Read more
Rebus Puzzle: What Does this Mean: Lunch Fre4nch Sir Vase?
Rebus are the kind of puzzles where you have to guess the words or phrases from the given set of pictures or hints. Given below are 2 hints from which you have to guess the words or phrases. Keats Keats Lunch Fre4nch Sir Vase If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on … Read more