Whatsapp Puzzle: Complete The Series of Numbers

Look at the series of numbers given in the riddle and find the connection between them. Number Series Riddle No: 1 Look at this series: 4, 6, 12, 18, 30, 42, 60, 72, 102, 108,?,?,? What are the next three numbers in above number sequence? Number Series Riddle No: 2 Look at this series: 7, … Read more

MIT Math Graduate’s Daughter’s Age

This is a real Tough one even i could not crack it easily… Basically you have to use maths to solve this, while I was trying to use logic 😉 That is a hint by the way. The Riddle is as below; Two MIT math grads bump into each other at Fairway on the upper … Read more

Bridge Crossing Riddle: 4 People and 1 Flashlight

Use your logical skills to solve this riddle. Four people are on one side of the bridge. The bridge will be destroyed by a bomb in 17 minutes. Everyone has to get across to the other side before that. The problem is that it’s dark and so they cannot cross the bridge without a flashlight … Read more

Few Interesting Logical Riddles

Here are a Few Interesting Logical Riddles which you can ask your friends on Whatsapp, BBM, We Chat, Lime or any other chat app. You can pass it on to Whatsapp groups and impress people with your wit. The solutions are also mentioned after the questions. Puzzle 1: A guy has two wires of varying … Read more

Whatsapp Riddle – Romeo and Juliet

Whatsapp Riddles

Solve this WhatsApp Riddle:- Romeo and Juliet are found dead on the floor in a bedroom. When they were discovered there were pieces of glass and some water on the floor. The only furniture in the room is a shelf and a bed. The house in is a remote location away from everything except for … Read more