Find the Value of Red Blue and Grey Balls

Here is a riddle in which you have to find the value of missing numbers. In the below picture there are no numbers mentioned but can you find the value of the missing numbers with the help of the given information? Blue Red White +  Blue Red White +  Blue Red White ________________ = White … Read more

Brain Study: If You Can Read This You Have A Strong Mind

It is amazing how our brain function at times. If you are able to read the text below you will realize how strong our brain is and how quickly it adapts. At first you the text below won’t make any sense to you but as you try to read it you will automatically start understanding and … Read more

Who Am I Riddle: First 4 Letters Means Me

Read this Who Am I riddle carefully and guess the word. Solve this!! This is for all masterminds!! I’am a 6 letter word, First 4 is me, 2 and 6 are same letters, 1, 2, 6  means look, 4, 6, 2 means type of payment, Who am l? Hints: – youngster’s favorite…. So were you … Read more

Who Has Got the Longest Hair in This Picture?

Let’s test your observation skills today… Look at the picture below carefully and answer the question; Who Has Got the Longest Hair in This Picture? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. … Read more

Find The Smallest Sentence With All The English Alphabets

You think you are good with your English? Try this one out Find The Smallest Sentence With All The English Alphabets. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the … Read more

Riddle: Who Does The King Select as His Heir?

Read the riddle carefully and answer the question. King Arthur ruled a large kingdom. The queen had already passed away and he had no heirs for his throne. As he was dying he wanted to pass on the kingdom to someone good. He called upon all of the teenagers in his kingdom and gave each … Read more