Who Am I: I’m Used To Make Bread

Read the hints in the Who Am I riddle and guess the word. I am a five lettered word, I’m used to make bread. Remove one letter and I’ll burn you instead. Remove two and do this to your stew. Mix that around and a good drink we will brew. Who Am I? So were … Read more

Puppy Getting Irritated WIth His Own Hiccups

Does anyone like getting hiccups? To be honest, they’re kind of the definition of evil. The second you think you’ve gotten rid of them — the moment your friend tries to scare them out of you, or when you’ve plugged your nose and drunk water upside down, or what have you — there they are … Read more

When Do Russians Celebrate October Revolution

Time to test how good your with history and general knowledge. Read the riddle and answer the simple question. October Revolution is well known in Russian history. Which month do they celebrate it? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer … Read more

Murder Mystery: How Was Mark Arrested for Murder?

Old Sam was found dead in his bedroom by young Mark. Mark describing his dismal discovery to Detective Sherlock Homes, who happens to be around the scene. “I was walking by Sam’s house when I thought I would just drop in for a visit. I noticed his bedroom light was on and I decided to … Read more

How Can The Shop-Keeper Still Make Profit?

Find the answer to this tough Whatsapp Riddle. There is a shop that reads: Buy 1 for $10.00 10 for $20.00 100 for $30.00 I needed 740 and still only paid $30.00. How can the shop-keeper still make profit? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. … Read more

WhatsApp Riddle: 60 Glasses On A Table

Read the riddle below and answer the question. 60 Glasses are on a table. If one falls down, how many remain? Hint: 59 is not the answer. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show … Read more