Smart Tricks to Impress Your Friends

Do you love to be the center of attention? Here are some neat tricks, learn them with the help of this video. You can then show off these cool tricks to your friends and impress them, 5 Simple Tricks To Mess With Your Friends Did you enjoy the video? Do share your feedback in the comments … Read more

Picture Riddle: Find the Hidden Tiger

How good are you at finding things? Here is a chance to test your skills. Can you find a hidden tiger in the optical illusion below? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family … Read more

The Change in McDonalds Since 1955

Many must have tried the food at McDonald’s but very few know how they have changed over the years. Here is a short video, which shows the change in the food McDonald’s is serving since it started in 1955. Once you know let me know what surprised you…. 🙂 McDonald’s: 1955 Vs. Now Did you … Read more

Riddle: How Did The Philosopher Set The Time

Solve this riddle. One absentminded ancient philosopher forgot to wind up his only clock in the house. He had no radio, TV, telephone, internet, or any other means for telling time. So he traveled on foot to his friend’s place few miles down the straight desert road. He stayed at his friend’s house for the … Read more