Colombia may still be recovering from the shock of watching its beauty queen unceremoniously dethroned during Miss Universe, but it seems host Steve Harvey has finally seen the funny side of things. Harvey had contestants holding their breath and Miss Colombia in floods of tears after announcing her as the winner, only to realize he … Read more
Extreme BASE Jumpers Who Parachute off Cliffs Gather on Greek Island
Extreme BASE jumpers from across the world perform more than 300 adrenaline-fueled jumps off the cliffs of the Greek island of Zakynthos. Adam Reed reports. Watch the video and have fun. The video shows the absolutely crazy jumps.
10 Reasons That Explain Why You Should Oppose Facebook’s Free Basics Campaign
Facebook has been making a renewed push to convince India’s telecom regulator that it should be allowed to run Free Basics, a subsidised internet platform that gives people Facebook and a few other services for free while violating the principles of net neutrality on which the internet was built. Here is a quick explanation of … Read more
Nice Short Film: The Wives
Watch this nice little short film on wives. Patriarchy exists every where. Its all pervasive. This short film, produced for ActionAid India, takes you into the lives of three women, who bear the brunt of an unjust, unfair system. Each minute of the short will reveal to you a story, that is evocative and poignant. … Read more