One Flower & Fruit Name Which is Same as a Sweet Name

With Diwali round the corner we should have riddles and topics related to sweets, lights, happiness and fun. I hope you enjoy your Diwali and enjoy my blogs too. Do leave your comments, feedback, answers and more riddles in the comment box below. So here is a riddle where you have to guess the name … Read more

Whatsapp Riddle: Find the Next Letters in the Series

Look at the sequence of letters given in the riddle and find the logic between them. Find the next letters in the series RA    SC   TE QC   RE    SG PE    QG   ?? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You … Read more

Guess the Word: I am a 10 Letter Word.

Read the hints given in the riddle carefully and then guess the word. I am a 10 Letters word. The first four suggest power. You eat my 5, 6, 7 and 8. My 8, 9 and 10 represent a female. I can also fly. Who am I? So were you able to solve the riddle? … Read more

In The Given Table Find the Correct Letter in Place of ?

Tricky and Challenging riddles and puzzles are fun to solve. Here is a tricky one. The answer is not as straight forward at seems for this one. So take a good glance before you put in your answer. In the given table you have to find the value of ? The best letter that would … Read more