Picture Riddle: Find the Height of the Table

Put your mathematical hat on and solve this riddle with equations. In the given picture you will see a cat, a tortoise and a table. Along with it you will also see that there are some measurements given. Based on the given information find the height of the table. So were you able to solve … Read more

Picture Riddle: How Many Songs Do You See in the Painting?

I got this image on WhatsApp today. I had a great time finding as many songs as possible in the painting, i hope you too enjoy solving this. In the painting below, there are several English songs from various genres that are painted together. I found around 60 songs… Check the painting carefully and search … Read more

WhatsApp Riddle: Can You Name All 12 Cricketers Shown Here

A challenge for all cricket fans. Got this picture riddle on WhatsApp and all my WhatsApp groups enjoyed this riddle. The picture shows cricket bowler’s bowling poses. Can you name all the cricketers shown in the picture below? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You … Read more

WhatsApp Riddle: What is the length of AB

This image was shared with me on WhatsApp, found it interesting so sharing here. In the picture you will see three circles inside a rectangle. The diameter of all the 3 circles are given, based on which you are supposed to find the length of AB. Find the length of AB in the given picture. … Read more

Picture Riddle: Which is the Drawn Chilli in the Given Image?

Improve your observation skills with this riddle. In the picture you will see 6 chillis, only one of them is drawn and all others are real. Can you spot the drawn chilli? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is … Read more