IIT Question: How Will You Choose the Correct Tablets

IIT Question: I give you 4 tablets which contain 2 for fever and 2 for cold. All 4 have same size, shape, taste, weight and color and No cover.. You have to take 1 cold and 1 fever tablet right now. How will you choose the tabs correctly??? There is no funny answer. Think!! So were you able to … Read more

Whatsapp Maths Riddle: Find ? in the Sequence

Here is one more complete the sequence puzzle for all those who love maths. You can forward this on your Whatsapp groups and challenge your friends. Find ? in the following sequence; 7 + 3 = 410 9 + 6 = 315 2 + 1 = 13 5 + 4 = ? So were you … Read more

A Set of Whatsapp Hindi Word Riddles – Hindi Paheli Part 2

For all the fans of Hindi puzzles and riddles here are 20 riddles or paheliya that you can enjoy with. After the tremendous response to the part 1 I am here with the part 2 of Hindi Paheli. Crack them, forward them on your Whatsapp groups and have fun with your friends. Hindi Paheli No.1 … Read more

Whatsapp Riddle: Complete the Sequence

Look at the letters and numbers given in the picture and find the relationship between them. Once you can find the logic behind the letter and numbers, find ? You have to Complete the given Sequence in the image. So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. … Read more