Fun Riddle: Where does Friday come before Thursday?

Here is a riddle for which you should know the answer. Where does Friday come before Thursday? Well did you get the answer to this simple riddle? Great, then do share it with your friends and family. Actually, this riddle is best for children or kids. It’s a great way to interact with children and … Read more

Riddle: A Jar A Mixture of Water and Syrup

A jar is filled with liquid, 3 parts of which are water and 5 parts syrup. How much of the mixture must be drawn off and replaced with water so that the mixture may be half water and half syrup? Select the correct option from below; A. 1/3 B. 1/4 C. 1/5 D. 1/7 So were … Read more

Riddle: Missing Pages of a Newspaper

Read this newspaper riddle and try to answer it. In a 60 page newspaper pages 24 and 41 are missing. Which other pages won’t be there? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer … Read more

WhatsApp Riddle: Two Fathers And Two Sons Went Fishing

Read the riddle carefully and answer the question asked in the riddle. Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each of them caught a fish. They caught a total of only three fish. (None of them caught the same fish.) How is this possible? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers … Read more

If January 100 and February 233 Then December = ?

This is a tough one. Let us see who can solve it first. Here is a list showing the month and a number for each month. January 100 February 233 March 334 April 460 May 512 June 645 July 760 August 823 Decipher the logic and find the number for September October November & December … Read more

Riddle: Who Does The King Select as His Heir?

Read the riddle carefully and answer the question. King Arthur ruled a large kingdom. The queen had already passed away and he had no heirs for his throne. As he was dying he wanted to pass on the kingdom to someone good. He called upon all of the teenagers in his kingdom and gave each … Read more