Solve this fun mind riddle. You walk into a room where there are 3 primates held in their respective cages: 1) A lion who is eating the flesh of a goat. 2) An orangutan who is playing with blocks. 3) A donkey who is sitting idle. Who is the most intelligent primate in the room? … Read more
WhatsApp Riddle: What are the ages of Grandfather, Father and Son?
Challenge your brains with this WhatsApp Riddle. Challenging questions for you. 24 hours to answer. Total Marks 100 One Grandfather One Father & One Son. The sum of their ages is 140 Years. The grandfather’s age is equal to the number of months of the grandson. The father’s age in weeks is equivalent to the … Read more
Elevator Riddle: Who Leaves The Lift on Which Floor?
Leave your answers in the comment section. In an office building there are six floors in all. 6 people Simon, Harry, Susan, Pete, Trudy and David work on different floors. Simon stays in the lift for the longest. Susan gets out before Pete but after Trudy. The first one to get out is Harry. David … Read more
Challenge Your Brain: What Is Highest Number Of Grapes You Can Get To The City?
Challenge your brain with this logical Riddle. You have 3,000 grapes with you. You have to send these grapes to a city which is 1000 km from your farm. These are the rules that you have to follow; Your truck can carry only 1,000 grapes at a time. Every time you travel a kilometer towards … Read more
Fun Brain Teasers: When is a White Cat Considered as Bad Luck?
Answer this fun brain teaser. There is a lot of superstition around a black cat. Like if a black cat crosses the road, it’s considered to be a bad omen. When is it considered bad luck with a white cat? If you get the answer right :), share it with your friends and family on … Read more
WhatsApp Cricket Riddle: How Can Both Batsman Score 6 Runs in Just 2 Balls?
Cricket Lovers try to answer this one. India’s scorecard reads after 0.2 overs as 12/0 Sachin Tendulkar: 6* and Virendra Sehwag: 6*. How is it possible? How Can Both Batsman Score 6 Runs in Just 2 Balls? Share tis on WhatsApp groups to test your friends and have fun. Answer: There can be a few … Read more
Fun Maths Riddle: How Much Money Did The Man Have on The First Day
Here’s a money riddle which will help you track money. One kind person had some money with him. He gave one rupee to beggar and half of the remaining money was spent by him. Same thing happened on the second day; he gave one rupee to beggar from remaining money of first day and spent half of … Read more