All basketball gans should be able to answer this simple general knowledge question. For the Olympics and World Tournaments, the dimensions of basketball court are; A. 26 m x 14 m B. 28 m x 15 m C. 27 m x 16 m D. 28 m x 16 m If you get the correct answer, … Read more
General Knowledge Test: First China War Was Fought Between
Time to see how good is your general knowledge of historical events. First China War Was Fought Between A. China and Britain B. China and France C. China and Egypt D. China and Greek If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
GK Test Question: Guarantee to an Exporter To Pay is Called?
In the world of exports and imports there are some terms that you should know. Let’s see if you know some one of the basic terms with this GK question. Guarantee to an exporter that the importer of his goods will pay immediately for the goods ordered by him, is known as A. Letter of … Read more
Sports General Knowledge Question: Golf Player Vijay Singh Belongs To Which Country?
Test your general knowledge in sports with this quiz question. Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to which country? A. Canada B. Fiji C. India D. UK If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
General Knowledge Test: Exposure To Sunlight Helps A Person Improve His Health Because
See how good is your general knowledge when it comes to human health. Exposure to sunlight helps a person improve his health because A. the infrared light kills bacteria in the body B. resistance power increases C. the pigment cells in the skin get stimulated and produce a healthy tan D. the ultraviolet rays convert … Read more
GK Test: Galileo Was An Italian Astronomer Who…?
Let see how many can answer this basic general knowledge question. Galileo was an Italian astronomer who A. developed the telescope B. discovered four satellites of Jupiter C. discovered that the movement of pendulum produces a regular time measurement D. All of the above If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends … Read more
GK Quiz: First Human Heart Transplant Operation Was Conducted In Which Year?
Sharpen your general knowledge with this quick quiz question. First human heart transplant operation conducted by Dr. Christiaan Barnard on Louis Washkansky, was conducted in A. 1967 B. 1968 C. 1958 D. 1922 If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.