Sharing a hindi Riddle or Paheli after a long time, just for change. Look at the images in the picture riddle below and guess the popular phrase. Should be very easy for Hindi speaking people. The picture shows a gun, leaf, key, hands and a car. Can you connect them? Were you able to solve the … Read more
4 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics
Physics: Indeed a fascinating and mysterious subject exists on earth. The inventions, discoveries and experiments have always astonished everyone with the introduction of new concepts. There are many physics concepts which make us irresistible to think twice about it. In 1900, a British physicist Lord Kelvin has stated, “There is nothing new to be discovered … Read more
5 Tips for Living a More Positive Life
Everyone wants to live a positive life but something or the other happens and they lose all their positivity. If you want to lead a good life you need to stay positive at all times. Here are some simple tips that are very useful if you want to improve your life. Appreciate, appreciate, and appreciate!!!: … Read more