WhatsApp Riddle: Guess the Names of 20 Important World Capital Cities

The Names of 20 important world Capital cities are hidden in the clue phrases below.

The Clues are based on how the syllables of the Capital Cities’ Names are (closely) spelt or (closely) pronounced. The Clues are a bit cryptic.  e.g…… Devil’s den, go down… HELSINKI

  1. The growth is green and velvety, and the bovine gentle.
  2. Deep within, the spiritual you.
  3. Quantum of goods and your own shelter.
  4. Cleaning a heavy load.
  5. Aimless, but moving.
  6. Hold up so much water, and we could be questioned.
  7. A laugh on one small transport vehicle.
  8. Small flexible container for Father.
  9. Keep replicating by 2.
  10. Possible to tolerate, for once.
  11. Crowing or going in a small vehicle, the bovine is tough.
  12. Bottom most human gripper unlocks, quite surprising.
  13. A Male unwell.
  14. Being of me, a slight move, to a water barrier.
  15. Small and green valley or churn out computers, for the bloke.
  16. A great battle once seen.
  17. Overcome by fire.
  18. Supportive upright pillar, handy in archery.
  19. Abnormal and unwise, and removed of.
  20. A level being of someone or something.

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27 Replies to “WhatsApp Riddle: Guess the Names of 20 Important World Capital Cities”

  1. 1 Moscow
    2 Seoul
    3 Stockholm
    4 Washington
    5 Rome
    6 Damascus
    7 Havana
    8 Baghdad
    9 Dublin
    10 Canberra
    12 Tokyo
    13 Manila
    14 Amsterdam
    15 New Delhi
    16 Warsaw
    17 Bern
    18 Colombo
    19 Madrid
    20 Belgrade

      1. 1 Moscow
        2 Seoul
        3 Stockholm
        4 Washington
        5 Rome
        6 Damascus
        7 Havana
        8 Baghdad
        9 Dublin
        10 Canberra
        12 Tokyo
        13 Manila
        14 Amsterdam
        15 New Delhi
        16 Warsaw
        17 Bern
        18 Colombo
        19 Madrid
        20 Belgrade

  2. The Names of 18 important world Capital cities, are hidden in the clue phrases below.

    1. The growth is green and velvety, and the bovine gentle.( MOS COW)

    2. Deep within, the spiritual you. (SEOUL)

    3. Quantum of goods and your own shelter. (Stock holm)

    4. Cleaning a heavy load.(WASHING TON)

    5. Aimless, but moving.(ROME)

    6. Hold up so much water, and we could be questioned.(DAM ASC US)

    7. A laugh on one small transport vehicle.(HA VAN A)

    8. Small flexible container for Father.(TRINIDAD/BADHDAD)

    9. Keep replicating by 2.(DUBLIN)

    10. Possible to tolerate, for once.(CAN BERR A)

    11. Crowing or going in a small vehicle, the bovine is tough. (KABUL) (car bull)

    12. Bottom most human gripper unlocks, quite surprising.(ADDIS ABABA)
    13. A Male unwell.(MAN IL A)

    14. Being of me, a slight move, to a water barrier.(AM STER DAM)

    15. Small and green valley or churn out computers, for the bloke.(New Dellhi).

    16. A great battle once seen.(WAR SAW)

    17. Overcome by fire.(BERN)

    18. Supportive upright pillar, handy in archery.(COLOM BO)

    19. Abnormal and unwise, and removed of.(MAD RID)

    20. A level being of someone or something.(BE L GRADE)

    1. 1 Moscow
      2 Seoul
      3 Stockholm
      4 Washington
      5 Rome
      6 Damascus
      7 Havana
      8 Baghdad
      9 Dublin
      10 Canberra
      12 Tokyo
      13 Manila
      14 Amsterdam
      15 New Delhi
      16 Warsaw
      17 Bern
      18 Colombo
      19 Madrid
      20 Paris

  3. 1. Moscow
    2. Seoul
    3. Stockholm
    5. Rome
    8. Baghdad
    11. Kabul
    13. Manila
    19. Madrid

  4. Hold up so much water, and we could be questioned.- DAMASCUS
    Possible to tolerate, for once. – CANBERRA
    Bottom most human gripper unlocks, quite surprising.- TOKYO
    Small and green valley or churn out computers, for the bloke. –
    Overcome by fire – BERN
    Abnormal and unwise, and removed of. – MADRID
    A level being of someone or something. –

  5. 6. Damascus, 11. Jakarta/Havana, 10. Canberra, 12. Tokyo, 15. New Delhi, 17. Beunos Aires, 19. Madrid, 20. Beijing

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