I got this riddle on WhatsApp today. Sharing it here as I found it interesting.
So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.
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The single word that can be used to to complete all the given words is the verb ARE.
The first word given is DE_ _ _ ST, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes DEAREST.
The second word given is F_ _ _, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes FARE.
The third word given is SH_ _ _, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes SHARE.
The fourth word given is ST_ _ _, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes STARE.
The fifth word given is D_ _ _, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes DARE.
The sixth word given is P_ _ _ N T, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes PARENT.
The seventh word given is C_ _ _, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes CARE.
The eight word given is M_ _ _, so after filling the blank space with the word ARE, it becomes MARE.
Yes I got it right. I got TWO words that fit in, though there may be others also. 1. ONE 2. ARE