Improve your observation skills with this riddle. In the picture you will see 6 chillis, only one of them is drawn and all others are real. Can you spot the drawn chilli? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is … Read more
Logical Riddle: 5 People Can Build 5 Houses In Just 5 Days
Use your logical thinking skills to solve this riddle. There are 5 people who can build 5 houses in just 5 days. How long would it take 100 people to build 100 houses? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer … Read more
Word Riddle: I Live Without a Body
Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. I live without a body, hear without ears, speak without a mouth and am born in air. What am I? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer is correct … Read more