Word Riddle Games: The Great Christmas Word Scrabble Challenge

Have fun with this interesting holiday special word riddle.

In the list below you will see 25 scrabbled words. Rearrange the letters and form words which are related to Christmas.

The Great Christmas Word Scrabble Riddle

1. ellbs
2. isentpiota
3. cleand
4. deergigbarn
5. tewhar
6. scralo
7. edinerer
8. gostinck
9. esokoci
10. gngego
11. gliseh
12. leves
13. tenessrp
14. dranlag
15. sottlemie
16. fitg
17. yalohid
18. legan
19. leno
20. stranemon
21. credembe
22. womanns
23. dancy enca
24. sliten
25. eyle


If you get;
23 – 25 right you are a genius => You Love Christmas.
20 – 22 is excellent
16-19 is above average
11-15 is average
Below 10 is poor => You hate Christmas.

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the right answer, please do share the riddle with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

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