Word Riddle Games: Find The Words With 3 Consecutive Vowels

You can spend your some time to crack this Sunday fun word riddle game.

Each answer is one word that has at least three consecutive vowels.

The clue for each word is given below, and the number of letters of the word is indicated inside parentheses.

Happy hunting!

1. sticky (5)
2. cleaned carpet (9)
3. eager to know (7)
4. alluring (9)
5. joy (6)
6. taxing (9)
7. stead (4)
8. feast (4)
9. fowl (5)
10. blended words (11)
11. not evergreen (9)
12. “believing” (6)
13. heckling (6)
14. tell on (6)
15. enraged (7)
16. silent (5)
17. huge organism (7)
18. non-stop (10)
19. boyfriend (4)
20. forming line (8)
21. vague (9)
22. will (8)
23. delusion (8)
24. obsessed with procedures (12)
25. approve again (11)
26. insincere (12)
27. disappearance (11)
28. redundant (11)
29. on scenic tour (11)
30. accept (9)
31. beautiful (with two sets of 3 consecutive vowels) (9)
32. word from sound (12)

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

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