Here’s a Marathi Riddle that I got on WhatsApp. Translated it to English so that everyone understands it.
A Man and Woman are travelling on a bike.
The Traffic police stops them at a signal.
He asks them how are the related.
So the boy answers;
“Her father-in-law is my father-in-law’s father”.
Can you find out how they are related directly?
The original Marathi Riddle is as follows;
जो उत्तर देइल तो बादशाह
1 मुलगा आणि एक मुलगी गाडीवरून जात असतात चौकात पोलिस त्यांना थांबवतो आणि विचारतो तुमचे नाते काय?
मुलगा सांगतो
हीचा सासरा माझ्या सासरयाचा बाप आहे
नांत काय????
3 तासात सांगा
So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.
If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Answer is the lady is mother in law of the boy