Inspirational Story of FAITH – The Two-Legged Wonder Dog!

Faith is an incredibly inspirational dog with a heart of gold. The cute canine was born with only three legs — two fully developed hind legs and a deformed front leg, which had to be amputated when she was seven months old.

Faith was found by Jude Stringfellow, a kind woman who happened upon her when the mother dog was trying to smother Faith. Jude adopted Faith, and though veterinarians told her she needed to be euthanized, Jude decided to give the little dog a chance. Over time, Faith began to walk on her back legs, helped by Jude’s use of a spoon with peanut butter as an incentive.

FAITH – The Two-Legged Wonder Dog!

Watch as the happy dog surprises returning vets at St. Louis International Airport.

Faith the Biped Dog Visits St. Louis

Faith used to greet returning vets at airports all over the country, so much so that the U.S. Army made her an honorary sergeant for inspiring disabled war veterans. Her story is one of strength and perseverance, an easily relatable tale for our military heroes.


After a lifetime of inspiring others with disabilities, Faith died on September 23, 2014. She passed away peacefully with Jude and a platter of cheese at her side. Her tale will live on and inspire many for years to come.

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