Use your logical skills to crack the password and solve the riddle. A man locked his personal computer with a password and wrote some phrases in the hint box. One day his wife tries to login in his absence using the hints which contained following: 4 Grapes 1 Apple 7 Bananas 7 Mangoes 2 Pineapples … Read more
Guess Who Am I: I am an 11 letter Indian politician
From the given hints you need to give the name of one of the Indian Politicians. I am an 11 letter Indian politician. Last 3 letters is part used inside the computer. 4, 5, 6 letters is used to store water.. 1, 5, 4 is designing software. 3, 7, 6 is computer company name. 2, … Read more
The Mysterious Case Of a Cheating Wife
A guy came back home from a business trip to his beautiful wife. He clicked this picture of her, as soon as he got back. After a few days he killed his wife and put this photo (below) in her pocket after killing her!! During his trial, he said that he killed his wife because … Read more
Find the Next Number in the Series: 4 + 4 = ?
Here’s one more Maths Series Puzzle for all those who like their Maths. You have to find the value of ? in the last equations; The series is as follows; 1 + 1 = 8 2 + 2 = 32 3 + 3 = 72 4 + 4 = ? So were you able to … Read more
Ever Tried to Explain What Twitter is to Your Parents?
The world of internet is changing and evolving at break neck speeds. Due to which at times it’s difficult to catch up with everything. For the older generation it is very difficult to cope up with the fast changing Internet world. Their children are their best source of knowledge. I am sure your parents or … Read more