The Great Indian Jugaad

Everyone of us have grew up hearing the word jugaad, a frequently used word in India to explain any straightforward, often dangerous, device built on the fly to resolve a pressing problem to make do in the deficiency of a better, more graceful solution. Jugaad is how the mechanics in India supervise to stay very … Read more

Turn Grease Into Fuel: Amazing Initiative by a 15 year old

Meet the girl who has changed a whole lot of lives with something we would just throw away. What do you do with your cooking oil after you use it? What does your favorite restaurant do with its used oil? Here’s a young woman who saw that oily resource being wasted and decided to do … Read more

Whatsapp Numerical Picture Riddles

Mathematical riddles are a good way to sharpen your mind skills. Here are some numerical picture riddles that you can have fun with. Whatsapp Numerical Picture Riddles No.1 Whatsapp Numerical Picture Riddles No.2 So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below. You can check if your answer … Read more

Top 10 Best Cat Videos Of All Time

We’ve scoured the internet and found the cutest and funniest cat videos of all time. Any we missed? Let us know! What should we count down next? Did you enjoy the video? Do share your feedback in the comments section below.

Whatsapp Riddle: Guess the names of Indian States and Cities

You must have received this as a WhatsApp riddle in any of the groups that you are part of. Try to solve the puzzle without looking at the answers, she how many you can get right. Solve this! These are a few Indian states and cities…guess and name them 1. Unmarried Girl 2. Face 3. No Zip. … Read more