IAS Exam Cricket Puzzle

This one is for the Cricket and Puzzle Lovers.

Apparently it is said that in an IAS exam this question could not be solved by any candidates

Solve it, if U can…Here’s how it goes

How many runs can a single player score in a One day match…

No ‘no balls’, ‘no wides,’ ‘no extras’ and no over throws…

what would be the maximum runs he can score in an ideal case scenario.


So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

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3 Replies to “IAS Exam Cricket Puzzle”

  1. I feel the answer is : 1751 Runs. Please let me know why shouldn’t we consider that the batsman can score 5 runs instead of 3 runs for the last ball of each over?? though it is not practically possible ???????

    Ans : ((5*6*50)+(1*5*49)+6) = 1751 Runs
    Explanation : (5*6*50)–> First 5 Balls of each over he hits a 6. He continues this for all 50 Overs.
    (1*5*49)–> Last ball of each over he gets 5 runs in order to retain the strike for the next over. He does this for the 49 Overs
    6–> Last ball of the 50th over he hits a six because that’s the ball which is the final one for the innings…

  2. Y is the assumption its 3 runs on last ball,
    Even with no over throws ,
    The batsmen can in theory run 5 runs on last ball… may b they are very fast.
    The fielders throw is not powerful enough so has to be thrown to middle and then to the wickets
    Really bad fielding , field the ball and just run to wicket instead of throwing.

    Or technical rule of lost ball which means until ball is found batsmen can keep running,

    Please either set the boundary conditions correct. No wide, no no ball, no extras, no over throws alone is not a valid criteria

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