Logical Riddle: What Color Is Each Officer’s Badge?

Use your logical reasoning skills to solve this riddle.

Officers Yellow, Red and Green each have a green badge, a yellow badge and a red badge, but none of them has a badge color that matches their name.

All 3 met at their headquarters.

The Officer with the Green badge said “I have a green badge!”, to which Officer Red replied sarcastically: “So, What?”

What Color Is Each Officer’s Badge?

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Officer Yellow has a Green badge,

Officer Red has a yellow badge &

Officer Green has a red badge.


As the Officer with the green badge has spoken to Officer Red, we know that Officer Red doesn’t have a green badge. We already know he doesn’t have a red badge. Therefore, he has a yellow badge.

The Officer with the green badge cannot be Officer Red, nor can he be Officer Green, therefore he is Officer Yellow.

So Officer Yellow has a Green badge, and Officer Red has a yellow badge, meaning Officer Green must have a red badge.

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