Riddle: Which One Of Them Would Have A Greater Area?

Use your mathematical and logical skills to solve this riddle.

A square and a circle have the same perimeter.

In such a case, which one of them would have a greater Area?

A. Square
B. Circle
C. Both have same area.
D. Insufficient Data.

If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Answer: Option B


Let us assume;
s is the side length of the square
r is the radius of the circle.

Perimeter of square = 4s
Perimeter or circumference of Circle = 2π r

From the given information we can write;

4s = 2π r.

s=π r/2. ——–(1)

Now we know;

Area of square = s^2 &
Area of circle = π r^2

Substituting value of s from (1) we get;

s^2 = π ^2 x r^2/4 – – (a)


the area of the circle π x r^2. – – (b)

Now to compare let’s just equate them to know which one has the larger area.

Now, let’s say, (a) = (b)
Area of Square = Area of Circle

π ^2 x r^2/4 = π  x r^2
(r^2 and a π gets cancelled on both sides)

We get,
π  /4 = 1

As we know that,
π  /4 is less than 1
π /4 < 1

Hence, Area of Square < Area of Circle.

Thus, the area of Circle is greater.

So, Option (B) is right.

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