WhatsApp Emoticon Riddle: Guess the Names of the Famous Super-Heroes and Movie Characters
Create puzzles and Riddles with Whatsapp emoticons and smiley and send it to friends and let them crack the puzzles.
Here’s a totally new riddle which will keep you busy for sometime.
It’s fun when you share these WhatsApp Emoticon puzzle on WhatsApp Groups where your friends can crack it.
For other puzzles you would usually find a solution on Google but finding these ones are really difficult. So here a crack for one of the puzzles. Just copy paste the answers and impress your friends. Try to guess them on your own first, its fun to apply logic and crack them….
Whatsapp Riddles: Guess the Names of the Famous Super-Heroes and Movie Characters
If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
The answers are as follows;
1. Sherlock homes.
2. Batman.
3. Wonder woman.
4. Ant man.
5. Captain America.
6. Forrest Gump.
7. James Bond.
8. Godfather.
9. Cat Woman.
10. Green Lantern.