Picture Riddle: Find the Missing Number From the Given Information

In the picture below you will see burger, pizza and cola representing certain numbers.

Find the value of each and then find the value of the missing number.

If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

To solve the riddle we first substitute the pictures with letters;

Let’s assume the following;

Burger = B

Pizza slice = P

Cola drink glass = C

We can rewrite the equations as;

B + B + B = 30 ————- (1)

B + P + P = 20 ————- (2)

P + 2C + 2C = 9 ————- (3)


P + C x B = ? ————- (4)

From (1)

3B = 30


B = 10

From (2)

B + 2P = 20

10 + 2P = 20

2P = 10


P = 5

From (3)

P + 2C + 2C = 9

5 + 4C = 9

4C = 4


C = 1

To find the missing number in (4)

P + C x B = ?

Substituting the values of B, P & C in  (4) we get;

5 + 1 x 10 = 5 + 10 = 15

Answer = 15

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