Some Funny One Liner Riddle You Will Enjoy

Let’s have some fun with this one liner riddles.

Read the hints and guess the answers.

1. On what kind of ships do students study?
2. What suits do lawyers wear?
3. What band does not perform, sing, or act?
4. What steps would you take if a bull chased you?
5. Which is faster, hot or cold?

If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

1. On what kind of ships do students study?
A: Scholarships.

2. What suits do lawyers wear?
A: Lawsuits.

3. What band does not perform, sing, or act?
A: Rubber-Band.

4. What steps would you take if a bull chased you?
A: Big ones.

5. Which is faster, hot or cold?
A: You can catch a cold and so hot is fast.

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