Fun Riddles: Find the Missing Number in the Last Triangle

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In The picture you will see that there are 3 numbers on each corner of the triangle and a number inside the triangle.

The number inside the triangle is connected with the 3 numbers outside, can you find the connection between the numbers?

If you can find the connection than you can easily find the value of the missing number in the last triangle.

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The number inside the triangle is the result of the subtraction and multiplication of the outside numbers.

In the first triangle;

(6 – 2) x 2 = 8;

Similarly in the 2nd and 3rd triangle;

(7 – 5 ) x 3 = 6 &

(7 – 4) x 2 = 6

Therefore we can find the missing number as;

(6 -5) x 3 = 3

Answer = 3

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