Fun Riddle Games: Find the Missing Number in the Circle

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Look at the circle and find the connection between the numbers inside it, you will then be able to find the value of the missing number.

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You will notice that in the circle the 3 known numbers in the center are squares and we have 1 zero.

From the zero we can derive that there is subtraction involved in the equation.

So the logic is as follows;

First the difference of the 2 adjacent number is taken, then it is doubled and then we square it.

In case of the top left quadrant we have 5 & 5 so the number corresponding to it is;

[(5 – 5) x 2]^2 = 0

The top right quadrant has 7 & 3, so the corresponding number would be;

[(7 – 3) x 2]^2 = [4 x 2]^2 = 8^2 = 64.

Similarly we can check if this holds good for the bottom left quadrant which has 11 & 8;

[(11 – 8) x 2]^2 = [3 x 2]^2 = 6^2 = 36.

Therefore we can find the missing number as;

[(8 – 2) x 2]^2 = [6 x 2]^2 = 12^2 = 144

Answer = 144.

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