Fun WIth Maths: Find the Missing Number in The Picture

Leave your answer to the riddle in the comments section.

In the picture you will see the candies from the game candy crush represent certain numbers.

Can you solve the equations and find the value of the missing number?

Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook especially all those people who have been sending Candy Crush requests to you.

You can substitute the candies for solving purposes.
The seed kind of reds striped candy can be called SR
The circular red candy can be called CR &
The flower like violet candy can be called as FV.

From these we can re-write all the 4 equations as;
SR + SR +SR = 9 ——–(1)
SR + CR = 13 ————(2)
CR- FV = 4 —————(3)
SR + CR + FV = ? ——-(4)

From (1)
3SR = 9
SR = 3.

Substituting value of SR in (2)
3 + CR = 13
CR = 10

Substituting value of CR in (3)
10 – FV = 4
FV = 6

Substituting value of SR, CR & FV in (4) we get;
3 + 10 + 6 = 19
Answer = 19

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