WhatsApp Riddle: Find The Weight Of the Brick

Read and answer after thinking as 99% of People will get it wrong the first time. Apparently this was asked in an IIM entrance exam or CAT.

One brick is one kilogram and half a brick heavy.

What is the weight of one brick?

Can you Solve it?

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

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Rather than trying to solve this one mentally if you solve it with an equation you will get the correct answer in one go.

Let us call Brick as B for the equation;

So as per the information given we can write;

1B = 1 + 1/2 B

Solving this equation we get;

1B – 1/2 B = 1

So 1/2 B = 1

i.e B = 2


Weight of one Brick = 2 kg

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