#HappyBirthdayYouTube The A-Z of YouTube: Celebrating 10 Years


Ten years ago in May, YouTube launched in beta.

From the silly to the profound, from the personal to the political, YouTube wanted to celebrate a decade of contributors creativity and self-expression.

With over 75 references and 18 filmmaking styles, they have tried to capture some of the richness and variety of YouTube from the last decade.


The A-Z of YouTube: Celebrating 10 Years | #HappyBirthdayYouTube

Featured from A-Z:

Real Grumpy Cat chuckieart mugumogu Jason Schlosberg Camila Coelho Zoella panacea81 ssin 씬님 sasakiasahi daaruum Bethany Mota Tanya Burr Walk off the Earth Chris Hadfield Judson Laipply byronfgarcia Red Bull Epic Meal Time Jared Michael officialpsy RocketJump Smosh IISuperwomanII nigahiga It Gets Better Project MyHarto AreYouSuprised The Rhodes Bros Tyler Oakley Jimmy Kimmel Live SophiaGraceBrownlee PewDiePie stampylonghead CaptainSparklez Leeroy Jenkins slobs Al Jazeera Arabic RuptlyTV Old Spice antoinedodson24 Prancercise Laina TayZonday Vsauce TheFineBros SA Wardega RickAstleyVEVO Britain’s Got Talent kidrauhl Noah Kalina Yosemitebear62 SoulPancake Sloan Churman vlogbrothers JennaMarbles HolaSoyGerman. はじめしゃちょー(hajime) danisnotonfire AmazingPhil charlieissocoollike SHAYTARDS David Firth FilmCow Annoying Orange EepyBird The Slow Mo Guys

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