WhatsApp Riddle: Measure 4 Litre Water With 2 Jugs

Use your logical skills to solve this measurement riddle.

If you had a 5-liter jug and a 3-liter jug,

And an unlimited access to water,

How would you measure exactly 4 liters?

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

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Fill the 5-litre jug and pour water to the 3-litre jug, and then you can empty it.

From the 5-litre jug pour the 2 remaining litres to the 3-litre jug.

Refill the 5-litre jug and fill in the 3-litre jug (with 1 litre), so there stay the 4 required litres in the 5-litre jug.

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