Solve to Get the Right Answer: Apple + Mango + Banana = ?

People on WhatsApp are getting creative they now create images with fruits or other objects instead of x and y to add fun to boring math problems.

Here’s one with Apples, Mangoes and Bananas.

See the image and solve the equation to get the value of ?

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It gets confusing because of the fruits so we replace fruits with letters as follows;

Apple = A,

Mango = M and

Banana = B

So the equations would look like this.

A = 7

M = 5 + A

A = 1 +3B

A + M + B = ?

So here’s how we solve it

Since A  = 7,

M = 5 + A = 5 + 7 = 12

SO M = 12.

Now, A = 1 + 3B

i.e. 7 = 1 + 3B

So 3B = 7 – 1 = 6

Hence, B = 2

So A + M + B = 7 + 12 + 2 = 21

So A + M + B = 21

Apple + Mango + Banana = 21.

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