Whatsapp Riddle: Complete the Sequence

Look at the letters and numbers given in the picture and find the relationship between them.

Once you can find the logic behind the letter and numbers, find ?

You have to Complete the given Sequence in the image.

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Answer to Complete the Sequence:

Number the alphabets from 1 to 26 from A to Z.

So A would be 1, B 2, C 3 so on till Z which would be 26.

Now lets get back to the sequence;

The first part has the letters D & W.

D’s value is 4 and W’s value is 23.

4+23 = 27.


UL = 21+12 = 33.

The last part has G and O;

G = 7 and O = 15

SO GO = 7+15 = 22;

So ? = 2

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