Whatsapp Riddle: Find the Words Which Have the Same Meaning

Test your word power with this simple word riddle game.

Find the Words Which Have the Same Meaning

1. Name of a Pencil brand and lord of dance.

2. Name of a  Zodiac sign in English and Type of disease.

3. Name of a soap brand and a musical instrument.

4. Name of a a car brand and Lord Rama’s devote.

5. Name of fruit and name of shoe polish.

6. Name of a Mobile brand and fruit name.

7. Name of Bulb Company and Source of energy.

8. Name of a a shoe Company and underground train.

9. Name of a Watch brand and Resident of a country.

10. Name of a Mineral water company and Mountain range.

11. Name of bird and Beer brand.

12. Name of fuel and Clothing Company.

13. Name of a Tree and Toothpaste.

14. Name of a famous monument and a Tea brand.

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the right answer, please do share the riddle with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.


1. Nataraj.

2. Cancer.

3. Santoor.

4. Maruti.

5. Cherry.

6. Blackberry.

7. Surya.

8. Metro.

9. Citizen.

10. Himalaya.

11. Kingfisher.

12. Diesel.

13. Babool.

14. Taj Mahal.

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